Pricing Cards

Tips for use
The Pricing Cards can be used individually but are most effective if used by a group of people. The cards will stimulate and provoke discussion about pricing options.
Use the Pricing Cards to brainstorm about your pricing options. Have a look at the example for ice cream parlour Da Nino, to get inspired and learn about the practical application of the cards.
How to use
There are various factors that influence the height of the price, think of competitors or the willingness to pay of customers. Pricing Cards show which considerations there are for pricing your products or services. The Pricing Cards are a set of 21 cards. On each card a pricing strategy is explained on the front and an example is included on the back of the card. Requirements are included to illustrate if the pricing strategy can be a good option for your business.
To stimulate the use of these cards in a creative and playful manner we present two ways of using the cards: ‘Piles’ and ‘Clusters’. But of course, you can use the cards anyway you like.
An existing business or a idea should be used as starting point. Ask one of the attendees to explain or visualise the selected business or idea. Next go through each card and place them on either the ‘Yes’ or the ‘No’ pile. A pricing strategy can either be relevant for your business (‘Yes’), or not (‘No’). Discuss all the cards that are in the ‘yes’ pile that might be interesting in the search for a new pricing option for your business.
The Pricing Cards can also be used in an open discussion. Select 3 to 5 pricing cards from the deck that seem most interesting for your business. Put them on a board or large piece of paper with enough space around. Write ideas, conditions, definitions, etc. on sticky notes. Put these sticky notes around the cards to get clusters. In this way you can actively brainstorm about the selected cards and their potential for your business.